Put less stress on the soil and feed it better

Investing in soil and landscape

ERF does everything it can to keep the soil fertile and permeable. This allows the crops to grow well and stably. We reduce the load with heavy machinery and promote a rich soil life.

Prevent soil compaction

A soil with a permeable structure ensures that plants can continue to take root in the soil. Rainwater can also easily drain away. Soil compaction is caused, for example, by increasingly heavy machines. These ensure an increasingly higher peak load on the soil. A large part of ERF's tractors and machines now have tracked undercarriages. These distribute the pressure over a larger surface area and therefore disturb the subsoil less. During the growing season, our machines drive through the crop on fixed driving paths, which also ensures better structure in a large part of the field.

Illustratie Effect bodemverdichting op gewasgroei

A leading role for organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer provides a richer soil with a higher organic matter content. Together with the organic sector, we are on our way to using 100% organic fertilizer. At the moment this is not yet sufficiently available. ERF works together with various animal farms in the region to exchange manure and feed crops and to realize a regional cycle. Through the collaboration, we ourselves also influence the quality of the minerals in the manure and logistical benefits. For example, trucks take grass-clover from ERF to a goat farm and take solid manure back to the plots where ERF grows.


Our certifications